Tricia's Tech & Art
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Wk 4 Publishing Leadership Project

My top two choices for publication are the International Journal of Education Through Art, because the content is specifically applicable to my research. The entry guidelines even mention "emerging technologies" in the potential topic list. My other topic choice is the Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, which includes an entire section of visually rich, Art-based educational research. This journal also has the advantage of having all Fine Arts Education mixed in, and I think that it reaches a more broad and eclectic audience.
Planning Blog Entry 1 : Paper or Presentation?
Week 4 Reading: Peer Response: Brian Thomas

I appreciated the apology story about Cora the violinist. I think it was a great reminder of many of the other points in the book but most importantly to remain humble, appreciative, and understanding of other people’s situations and circumstances before forming an opinion or casting any form of judgment.
The story about the teenage orchestra in Sao Paolo was just great. I can recall chaperoning situations that I had challenging students and issues and also recall responding to them aggressively early in my career. However, I learned that dealing with the person and the cause for the action is much more effective and sensitive. I really liked this story because it gave me another great strategy for overcoming those challenging chaperoning situations.
Week 4: Reading Peer Response: Spencer Lunsford

Wow, I thought working with some of my students was an upstream battle…your situation sounds very challenging! I know what you mean about the blame game, as it is a natural and gives superficial satisfaction. It’s just like when people talk about how horrible the situations in government are, but they don’t vote. When teachers give an overarching generalization that the students have previously caused other instructors to leave, of course that attitude is going to seep into their teaching style, attitude, assessment style, and even perceived by the students (giving strength and mal-placed reinforcement to their “accomplishment”). I liked your analogy of these students in need to sparks on your game-board. I mean, even if we have 100 students that still continue to fail, what if one passes and improves their lives because of us? Doesn’t that make everything else worth it? Like you pointed out, if we have the choice to be negative or positive, why not at least try to “keep our board in the positive” (or in your words—“refreshing fountain of encouragement” J ). You are right, the Art of Possibility is a constant source of growth, not something we can master all in one day.
Link to Spencer's Original Post
Spencer's Original Post:
For me, being the board has all kinds of difficulties that come along with the notion. I have been able to find solace in the blame game for my entire teaching career. The students that come to me are usually several grades behind in their mathematics knowledge. Much of this is due to (here comes the blame) teachers being "run off" by the bad acting children. In fact the students brag about how many teachers they have been able to get to leave. Having to accept responsibility of how I react to the situation will make me a better teacher from here on out. Instead of being able to write off the students that are not understanding what they ought to have learned in the past, I now have sparks to light. The students are on my board and I get to bring them to new places with new learning experiences. I can fight the facts that they are behind, or I can find out where they are and bring them as far around my board as possible in the time we have together. I can be just another voice telling them what they can't do, or I can be a refreshing fountain of encouragement. The art of possibility is just that, an art. Some people are naturals, others have to work hard at it. The great thing about the art of possibility is that everyone can grow.