Hello, and welcome to my post regarding my recent investigation of RSS feeds.

I subscribed to this blog because my students get excited about street art. They love murals, graffiti, and the ironies that surround them. One of my students shared his experience with the class about a trip that he took to Brooklyn this past summer. He said that many areas were considered "living" art in that the environments were constantly being reworked. Every surface in some areas, whether it be an exterior trashcan or gallery, can be tagged. This blog reflects some of that attitude of spontaneity and freshness. There are links to artists' sites, interviews, video, and the newest images of the week from the street. Street art being constantly morphing, a blog is a perfect venue to share the very atmosphere of Brooklyn Street Art.
The Ponshop Blog
The Ponshop Blog is run by Gabriel Pons, a local artist in my area that owns and operates a gallery/studio/art school in our downtown area. Many of my students are involved in his projects, and we collaborate with his talents in our art classrooms at my school.
The Ponshop Blog is run by Gabriel Pons, a local artist in my area that owns and operates a gallery/studio/art school in our downtown area. Many of my students are involved in his projects, and we collaborate with his talents in our art classrooms at my school.
My students love not only to watch animation of all kinds, but also to explore the personal and career potentials of the technique. The best part of this blog for me is all the rich video clips of upcoming or recent projects in animation, from many different sources. I'm glad that I found this blog, because I will be able to use it for the actual unit on animation and also for anticipatory "hooks" or engaging intros to class or discussions.
This blog is run by an art teacher who is very savvy with technology and also finding inspirational content. I love the section on 108 links for art teachers. The ongoing blog is also amazing. Art teachers have posted lesson plans, ideas, video clips, and internet resources. It is great to have feedback from fellow teachers in my same content area because it directly applies and therefore contains no extraneous information.
The Fine Art Blog is a news feed of current interesting art events and news stories. Of note are descriptions of the new Museum of Modern Art iPhone app, eBay forgery of famed artist Banksy, and art sales of particular pieces.
This site has descriptions and links to some of the top educational apps.
The Whitney Museum has a very strong outreach program and this Blog is only 1 of many on various topics and events of the museum.